Som vi har skrevet om i noen måneder allerede, kommer Bruce Springsteens nye album (og turné) rundt nyåret. I dag er det offisielt.
1. High Hopes (Tim Scott McConnell) – featuring Tom Morello
2. Harry’s Place – featuring Tom Morello
3. American Skin (41 Shots) – featuring Tom Morello
4. Just Like Fire Would (Chris J. Bailey) – featuring Tom Morello
5. Down In The Hole
6. Heaven’s Wall -featuring Tom Morello
7. Frankie Fell In Love
8. This Is Your Sword
9. Hunter Of Invisible Game * -featuring Tom Morello
10. The Ghost of Tom Joad – duet with Tom Morello
11. The Wall
12. Dream Baby Dream (Martin Rev and Alan Vega) – featuring Tom Morello
Se videoen av tittelsporet her!
Se videoen til Dream Baby Dream her!
The Boss og Tom Morello (som er sterkt tilstede på det nye albumet) sammen på scenen i Australia, mars 2013.
På hele 8 av de 12 låtene spiller (og synger) Springsteen sammen med Rage Against the Machine-gitaristen Tom Morello. Morello steppet inn som “vikar” under vårdelen av Wrecking Ball turneen i det Little Steven var opptatt med innspillingen av Lilyhammer, sesong 2.
Samarbeidet med den 15 år yngre musikeren må virkelig ha gitt The Boss mersmak. Under tidligere turneer har han tidvis opptrådt som gjesteartist, ikke minst kjent for duetten under The Ghost of Tom Joad, men aldri “fast” medlem over en lengre periode som i år.
I tillegg til High Hopes er det to andre coverlåter på albumet:
Just Like Fire Would (Chris J. Bailey)
Dream Baby Dream (Martin Rev and Alan Vega, “Suicide”)
Det vil også utgis en “Limited Edition”, Amazon-utgave, som vil inkludere en DVD med hele Born in the USA live fra London 2013!
The Boss uttaler følgende i pressemeldingen:
I was working on a record of some of our best unreleased material from the past decade when Tom Morello (sitting in for Steve during the Australian leg of our tour) suggested we ought to add “High Hopes” to our live set. I had cut “High Hopes,” a song by Tim Scott McConnell of the LA based Havalinas, in the 90′s. We worked it up in our Aussie rehearsals and Tom then proceeded to burn the house down with it. We re-cut it mid tour at Studios 301 in Sydney along with “Just Like Fire Would,” a song from one of my favorite early Australian punk bands, The Saints (check out “I’m Stranded”). Tom and his guitar became my muse, pushing the rest of this project to another level. Thanks for the inspiration Tom.
Some of these songs, “American Skin” and “Ghost of Tom Joad,” you’ll be familiar with from our live versions. I felt they were among the best of my writing and deserved a proper studio recording. ”The Wall” is something I’d played on stage a few times and remains very close to my heart. The title and idea were Joe Grushecky’s, then the song appeared after Patti and I made a visit to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington. It was inspired by my memories of Walter Cichon. Walter was one of the great early Jersey Shore rockers, who along with his brother Ray (one of my early guitar mentors) led the ”Motifs”. The Motifs were a local rock band who were always a head above everybody else. Raw, sexy and rebellious, they were the heroes you aspired to be. But these were heroes you could touch, speak to, and go to with your musical inquiries. Cool, but always accessible, they were an inspiration to me, and many young working musicians in 1960′s central New Jersey. Though my character in “The Wall” is a Marine, Walter was actually in the Army, A Company, 3rd Battalion, 8th Infantry. He was the first person I ever stood in the presence of who was filled with the mystique of the true rock star. Walter went missing in action in Vietnam in March 1968. He still performs somewhat regularly in my mind, the way he stood, dressed, held the tambourine, the casual cool, the freeness. The man who by his attitude, his walk said “you can defy all this, all of what’s here, all of what you’ve been taught, taught to fear, to love and you’ll still be alright.” His was a terrible loss to us, his loved ones and the local music scene. I still miss him.
This is music I always felt needed to be released. From the gangsters of “Harry’s Place,” the ill-prepared roomies on “Frankie Fell In Love” (shades of Steve and I bumming together in our Asbury Park apartment) the travelers in the wasteland of “Hunter Of Invisible Game,” to the soldier and his visiting friend in “The Wall”, I felt they all deserved a home and a hearing.
Hope you enjoy it,
Bruce Springsteen
Foreløpig er følgende konsertdatoer annonsert:
Cape Town, Sør Afrika
Bellville Velodrome
28. jan.
Cape Town, Sør Afrika
Bellville Velodrome
29. jan.
Cape Town, Sør Afrika
Bellville Velodrome
1. feb.
Johannesburg, Sør Afrika
FNB Stadium
5. feb.
Perth, Australia
Perth Arena
7. feb.
Perth, Australia
Perth Arena
8. feb.
Perth, Australia
Perth Arena
11. feb.
Adelaide, Australia
Entertainment Center
12. feb.
Adelaide, Australia
Entertainment Centre
15. feb.
Melbourne, Australia
16. feb.
Melbourne, Australia
19. feb.
Sydney, Australia
Allphones Arena
22. feb.
Hunter Valley, Australia
Hope Estate
23. feb.
Hunter Valley, Australia
Hope Estate
26. feb.
Brisbane, Australia
Entertainment Centre
1. mar.
Auckland, New Zealand
Mt. Smart Stadium
2. mar.
Auckland, New Zealand
Mt. Smart Stadium
«High Hopes» er altså første singel ut fra det nye albumet, en coverlåt skrevet av Tim Scott McConnell hentet fra albumet The High Lonesome Sound fra 1987, som Springsteen har spilt gjentatte ganger de siste 20 årene. Sangen er blant annet med på gjenforeningsvideoen «Blood Brothers» fra 1995. Singelen som nå slippes er en ny studioinnspillingen fra Australia mars i år. Samme sted fant også nyinnspillingen av Dream Baby Dream sted, denne sangen (av Suicide) var fast avslutningslåt på Devils & Dust turneen.
High Hopes finds Bruce Springsteen in a number of different musical settings, and includes the E Street Band members in various large and small combinations as well as guitarist Tom Morello on eight tracks. Besides Morello, the album also includes appearances on several songs by Clarence Clemons, who passed away in 2011, and Danny Federici, who passed away in 2008, on what Springsteen calls some of our best unreleased material from the past decade. ”The album was recorded in New Jersey, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Australia and New York City and marks Springsteen’s 18th studio album. As Bruce writes in the albums liner notes, I felt they were among the best of my writing and deserved a proper studio recording.
Springsteens offisielle hjemmeside.
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