Leica Camera AG, Panasonic og Sigma, kaller det L-Mount Alliance. Et samarbeide om fremtidige speilløse fullformat kameraer, objektiver og tilbehør, basert på bajonettfatningen Leica utviklet til SL-kameraet.
Leica bruker den samme store åpningen med den korte registeravstanden, også på Leica CL og TL, som betyr at kommende objektiver i L-Mount-systemet, kan brukes på disse kameraene også.
Så langt er det bare Panasonic som har lansert et nytt produkt basert på L-Mount Alliance: Panasonic Lumix S, et fullformat speilløst kamera som slippes i 2019.
Flere produkter under samme paraply, er ventet, men det kan bli våren 2019 før vi vet mer.
Fra pressemeldingen:
“Dr. Andreas Kaufmann, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Leica Camera AG and majority shareholder: “For photographers, the ability to choose from a wide range of lenses for their system of preference is extremely important. Especially in the strongly growing market for mirrorless system cameras, users seek increasingly greater product diversity to fulfil a wide range of different photographic needs. We have therefore decided to work together with prominent partners in the photographic segment as an immediate response to these needs.
Our long-established partnership with Panasonic is a collaboration based on mutual trust, and the company’s expertise in the area of electronics is unquestioned. Sigma is also a highly respected company that has become firmly established especially in the areas of optical design and lens manufacturing and is able to perfectly complement our existing portfolio of L- Mount products. We are convinced that we and our partners can realise mutual and sustainable growth for all our products.”
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